1. Introduction
Prowide International S.A., which provides SWIFT Messaging software for Banks, Vendors, Developers, is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all assets, including personally identifiable information (PII), in scope of the information security management system (ISMS) in order to compete in the marketplace and maintain its legal, regulatory and contractual compliance and commercial image.
Prowide International S.A. is committed to ensuring compliance with all applicable legislative, regulatory and contract requirements, including all applicable PII protection legislation.
To achieve this, Prowide International S.A. has implemented an ISMS in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013. The ISMS is subject to continual, systematic review and improvement.
2. Policy objectives
- Information is made available to all authorised parties with minimal disruption to the business processes.
- Information security and privacy risks are managed.
- The integrity of this information is maintained.
- Confidentiality of information is preserved.
- Regulatory, legislative and other applicable requirements related to information security are met.
- Appropriate information security and privacy objectives are defined and measured.
- Appropriate business continuity arrangements are in place to counteract interruptions to business activities and these take account of information security.
- Appropriate information security and privacy education, awareness and training is available to staff and relevant others, e.g. suppliers, working on behalf of Prowide International S.A..
- Breaches of information security or privacy and security incidents, actual or suspected, are reported and investigated through appropriate processes.
- Appropriate access control is maintained and information is protected against unauthorised access.
- Continual improvement of the ISMS is made as and when appropriate.
- Commitment to achieving, supporting and managing compliance with all applicable PII legislation, including the contractual terms agreed between Prowide International S.A. and its clients.
3. Roles and responsibilities
The Chief Technical Officer is accountable for the management and maintenance of the risk treatment plan. Additional risk assessments may, where necessary, be carried out to determine appropriate controls for specific risks.
All employees and those working under the scope of the ISMS are expected to comply with this policy and with the ISMS that implements this policy. The consequences of breaching the Information Security Policy are set out in Prowide International S.A.âs code of conduct and in contracts and agreements with third parties.
Prowide International S.A. has established an Information Security Team chaired by the Chief Technical Officer to support the ISMS framework and to periodically review th Information Security Policy.